General Practitioner
The general practitioner's office is located in the Health Center in Vágur. The office has two general practitioner positions.
Consultations with the general practitioner are by appointment between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
Appointments, prescription renewals, and other inquiries can be made from Monday to Friday between 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM. It is also possible to do this digitally.
Outside Consultation Hours and Emergencies
If there is an urgent need for a doctor outside regular consultation hours, you can call the on-duty general practitioner at 1870. In case of an emergency requiring immediate medical assistance, call 112. The number 112 is available 24/7 and should be used when there is a suspicion that life is in danger.

Other Services
A nurse works with the general practitioner, and it is possible to have consultations with the nurse.
If you have a chronic illness, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or lung disease, you are welcome to attend regular check-ups with the nurse.
The laboratory is open at the Health Center on Tuesdays between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM. You can have pre-ordered blood tests taken without a prior appointment.
In the Faroe Islands, we follow the recommendations of the Danish Health Authority, which state that all children in their first 5 years should be offered 7 preventive health check-ups. During some of these check-ups, the child will also receive vaccinations.
- 5 weeks: Health check-up
- 3 months: Vaccination
- 5 months: Health check-up and vaccination
- 1 year: Health check-up and vaccination
- 1 year and 3 months: Vaccination
- 2 years: Health check-up
- 3 years: Health check-up
- 4 years: Health check-up and vaccination
- 5 years: Health check-up and vaccination
The check-ups are conducted in collaboration between the nurse and the municipal doctor.
Remember to bring the vaccination card.
The laboratory is at the Health Center on Tuesdays between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM.
All women between the ages of 25 and 60 are offered a free screening for cervical cell changes. You will receive an invitation when you turn 25. The screening is then repeated every 3 years.
The general practitioner will perform a routine pelvic examination and collect cells from the cervix. This sample is then sent to Denmark for microscopic examination.
The purpose of this preventive screening is to detect cell changes before they develop into actual cancer.
If changes are found, closer monitoring will be necessary. If the changes are minor, this will be done by the general practitioner. If the changes are more significant, a specialist in gynecology will take over.
The screening is less reliable if you are pregnant or have given birth in the last three months. It is also best to schedule the screening within the first two weeks after your menstrual period.
Now, only two HPV vaccinations are necessary if you are under 15 years old. This is to prevent cervical cancer in girls and genital warts in boys.
Read more here.
The health certificate for seafarers (the Blue Book) must be issued by an approved general practitioner.
When you come to get the Blue Book, you will receive a form to answer some questions. The doctor will conduct an examination, which includes checking your vision with and without glasses, hearing, urine sample, and blood pressure.
The Blue Book costs 800 DKK.
Remember to bring:
- Glasses or contact lenses and lens solution
- Urine sample
- 800 DKK in cash
Payments can only be made in cash.
- Short medical certificate, e.g., for sick leave: 200 DKK
- Vaccination beyond the public offer: 200 DKK for the first injection, 100 DKK for subsequent injections
- Driving license certificate: 400 DKK
- The health certificate for seafarers (Blue Book): 800 DKK
- Health certificate for food industry: 320 DKK
- AFS: 400 DKK
- CISV: 300 DKK
- ALS: 450 DKK
- Insurance fund: 200 DKK
- Regular consultation not covered by Health Insurance: at least 300 DKK
- Other: According to applicable agreement or assessment

General Practitioner
Consultation 1

General Practitioner
Consultation 2

Nurse with Additional Training in Diabetes and Wound Care

Social and Health Care Assistant
Doctor's Secretary
Consultation 1

Social and Health Care Assistant
Doctor's Secretary
Consultation 2